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Fig. 5 | EJNMMI Physics

Fig. 5

From: Validation of image-derived input function using a long axial field of view PET/CT scanner for two different tracers

Fig. 5

Coronal views of [18F]FDG Ki parametric images from Patlak linearization (A) and [18F]DPA-714 VT parametric images from Logan linearization (B) using different calibrated input functions and the same whole body reconstruction (EARL 2). All IDIFs were extracted using AA location except for EARL2_DA and EARL2_LV. For [18F]FDG, no significant visual differences are seen between Ki parametric images using the different IDIFs. For [18F]DPA-714, compared to the VT parametric images obtained with input function using continuous arterial sampler (reference), visual differences are seen using EARL2_DA and EARL2_LV IDIFs, significantly in lungs (orange arrows) and liver (blue arrows) (AA: Ascending Aorta, DA: Descending Aorta, LV: Left Ventricular Cavity, it: iterations, mat440: matrix 440 × 440, MRD: maximum ring differences, abs: absolute scatter correction methods)

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