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Table 1 Summary of patient preparation and image acquisition parameters

From: Comparison of machine learning and semi-quantification algorithms for (I123)FP-CIT classification: the beginning of the end for semi-quantification?


Local database

PPMI database

Administered activity

167–185 MBq

111–185 MBq

Injection-to-scan delay

3–6 h

3.5–4.5 h

Acquisition time

30 min

30–45 min

Acquisition pixel size

3.68 mm

Variable (scanner dependent)

Number of projections

60 per head (over 180o)

120 per head (over 360o)

Energy window

159 keV ± 10%

159 keV ± 10% and 122 keV ± 10%

Acquisition matrix size

128 × 128

128 × 128